
TL;DR: All you need to do is download the package, extract it somewhere and run the FOMOD Designer executable.

Pre-Built Executables

There are pre-built, ready-to-use executables always available for 64-bit Windows and often for 64-bit Linux as well.

It is recommended to use the latest stable version since it’s less likely to have critical bugs. If you need to use a feature that hasn’t made it to the stable builds, feel free to download the bleeding edge build.

If there are no builds for your system or you just love to have tons of work try building from source.

Building from Source

  1. Download the repository from Github;

  2. Unpack the archive into a folder;

  3. Install Conda;

  4. Open the command line/terminal in the folder from step 2;

  5. Create the necessary environment within Conda:

    • Windows 64-bit:

      conda create -y -n fomod-designer^
       pyqt5=5.5.1 python=3.5.1 lxml=3.5.0
    • Linux 64-bit:

      conda create -y -n fomod-designer \
       -c \
       pyqt5=5.5.1 python=3.5.1 lxml=3.5.0
    • For other platforms you’ll have to figure out where the correct Conda packages are. As of now, you’ll need these:

      Package Version
      PyQt5 5.5.1
      lxml 3.5.0
  6. Activate the environment:

    • Windows:

      activate fomod-designer
    • Other:

      source activate fomod-designer
  7. Install other dependencies:

    • Windows:

      pip install pip -U
      pip install setuptools -U --ignore-installed
      pip install -r dev\reqs.txt
    • Other:

      pip install pip -U
      pip install setuptools -U --ignore-installed
      pip install -r dev/reqs.txt
  8. Build the app:

    inv build
  9. Done! The built package is in the dist folder within the folder in step 2.